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Economic Anthropology


The Archaeology of Plenitude

Alternative Pathways to Complexity

A Collection of Essays on Architecture, Economics, Power, and Cross-Cultural Analysis

Ancient Maya Commerce

Multidisciplinary Research at Chunchucmil

Coffee and Community

Maya Farmers and Fair-Trade Markets

Gambling Debt

Iceland's Rise and Fall in the Global Economy

Gendered Labor in Specialized Economies

Archaeological Perspectives on Female and Male Work


The Politics of Production and the Strategies of Everyday Life

Surplus Matters: An Archaeologist's View

Archaeologists love the surplus concept. It fuels the contours of long-term historical perspectives on social change and transformation. It lies at the root of human social relations and cultural perceptions of the world. Society must produce more than the biological minimum, otherwise society ceases to exist.

The Archaeology of Large-Scale Manipulation of Prey

The Economic and Social Dynamics of Mass Hunting

Thiefing a Chance

Factory Work, Illicit Labor, and Neoliberal Subjectivities in Trinidad

University Press of Colorado University of Alaska Press Utah State University Press University of Wyoming Press