Utah State University Press
Redeeming a People
The Critical Role of Historical Examination in Moving Cultural and Moral Trajectories
Redefining Roles
The Professional, Faculty, and Graduate Consultant’s Guide to Writing Centers
Refiguring Prose Style
Possibilities for Writing Pedagogy
Reimagining Reflection in the Writing Classroom
Reformers, Teachers, Writers
Curricular and Pedagogical Inquiries
Reframing Writing Assessment
to Improve Teaching and Learning
Reinventing (with) Theory in Rhetoric and Writing Studies
Essays in Honor of Sharon Crowley
ReInventing the University
Literacies and Legitimacy in the Postmodern Academy
Religion, Politics, and Sugar
The Mormon Church, the Federal Government, and the Utah-Idaho Sugar Company, 1907 to 1921
Doing Asian American Rhetoric
Reprogrammable Rhetoric
Critical Making Theories and Methods in Rhetoric and Composition
Repurposing Composition
Feminist Interventions for a Neoliberal Age
Researching Writing
An Introduction to Research Methods
Retention and Resistance
Writing Instruction and Students Who Leave
Revelation, Resistance, and Mormon Polygamy
The Introduction and Implementation of the Principle, 1830–1853
Revising Moves
Writing Stories of (Re)Making
How to Do Things with Texts
Rewriting Partnerships
Community Perspectives on Community-Based Learning
Rewriting, Second Edition
Rhetor Response
A Theory and Practice of Literary Affordance
Rhetorical Speculations
The Future of Rhetoric, Writing, and Technology
River Flowing from the Sunrise
An Environmental History of the Lower San Juan
Shoshone Chieftain, Mormon Elder, 1822-1887
Saying and Silence
Listening to Composition with Bakhtin
Science, Bread, and Circuses
Folkloristic Essays on Science for the Masses