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Utah State University Press

The History of Louisa Barnes Pratt

The Autobiography of a Mormon Missionary Widow and Pioneer

The Journey of Navajo Oshley

An Autobiography and Life History

The Kiss of Death

Contagion, Contamination, and Folklore

The Meaning of Folklore

The Analytical Essays of Alan Dundes

The Meaningful Writing Project

Learning, Teaching, and Writing in Higher Education

The Mormon Battalion

U.S. Army of the West, 1846-1848

The Mormon Passage of George D. Watt

First British Convert, Scribe for Zion

The Mormon Trail

Yesterday and Today

The New Work of Writing Across the Curriculum

Diversity and Inclusion, Collaborative Partnerships, and Faculty Development

The Next Time We Strike

A Labor in Utah's Coal Fields, 1900-1933

The Open Hand

Arguing as an Art of Peace

The Outcomes Book

Debate and Consensus after the WPA Outcomes Statement

The Politics of Writing Studies

Reinventing Our Universities from Below

The Private, the Public, and the Published

Reconciling Private Lives and Public Rhetoric

The Reed Smoot Hearings

The Investigation of a Mormon Senator and the Transformation of an American Religion

The Rhetorical Mediator

Understanding Agency in Indigenous Translation and Interpretation through Indigenous Approaches to UX

The River Knows Everything

Desolation Canyon and the Green

University Press of Colorado University of Alaska Press Utah State University Press University of Wyoming Press