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Medicine in the Mining West, 1848-1919
The 1807-1857 Life Writings of Caroline Barnes Crosby, Chronicler of Outlying Mormon Communities
The Wild Days of the Alaska-Yukon Mining Frontier, 1870-1914
A Historian's Motorcycle Journeys in the American West
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A Victorian Childhood
by Mary Dartt
The Life and Times of Lewis Barney, 1808-1894
The Rocky Mountain Smelting Industry
Ray and Barbara Bane's Journeys and the Fate of the Far North
The Alaska State Museum Catalog and Guide
A History of the Promontory Summit Route of the Pacific Railroad
The Parley P. Pratt Exploring Expedition to Southern Utah, 1849-50
The Autobiography of Margaret E. P. Gordon, 1866–1966
A Modern Artist in Europe and America
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