Accessibility Tools

Trixie G Smith

Gail E. Hawisher (University of Illinois) and Cynthia L. Selfe (Ohio State University), Founders

Computers and Composition Digital Press (CCDP) is committed to publishing innovative, multimodal digital projects. The Press will also publish ebooks (print texts in electronic form available for reading online or for downloading); however, we are particularly interested in digital projects that cannot be printed on paper, but that have the same intellectual heft as a book.

The goal of the Press is to honor the traditional academic values of rigorous peer review and intellectual excellence, but also to combine such work with a commitment to innovative digital scholarship and expression. For the Editors, the Press represents an important kind of scholarly activism--an effort to circulate the best work of digital media scholars in a timely fashion and on the global scale made possible by digital distribution.

Authors interested in proposing ebooks and projects to Computers and Composition Digital Press should follow the CCDP submission process.

Graduate Writing Across the Disciplines

Identifying, Teaching, and Supporting

Trixie G. Smith

Trixie G. Smith is director of the writing center and the Red Cedar Writing Project at Michigan State University, where she is associate professor in the department of Writing, Rhetoric, and American Cultures and assistant director of the graduate program.

University Press of Colorado University of Alaska Press Utah State University Press University of Wyoming Press