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University of Alaska Press

Publishing books on politics and history, Native languages and cultures, science and natural history, biography and memoir, poetry, fiction and anthologies, and original translations, all with an emphasis on the state of Alaska.

Wildflowers of Unalaska

A Guide to the Flowering Plants of an Aleutian Island
Second Edition

William D. Berry

1954-1956 Alaskan Field Sketches

With a Camera in My Hands

William O. Field, Pioneer Glaciologist

With a Dauntless Spirit

Alaska Nursing in Dog-Team Days

With the Wind and the Waves

A Guide to Mental Health Practices in Alaska Native Communities

Words of the Real People

Alaska Native Literature in Translation

Worldviews of the Greenlanders

An Inuit Arctic Perspective

You Haven't Asked About My Wedding or What I Wore

Poems of Courtship on the American Frontier

Yungcautnguuq Nunam Qainga Tamarmi

All the Land's Surface is Medicine

Edible and Medicinal Plants of Southwest Alaska

Yupiit Yuraryarait

Yup'ik Ways of Dancing

Yupik Transitions

Change and Survival at Bering Strait, 1900 - 1960

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University Press of Colorado University of Alaska Press Utah State University Press University of Wyoming Press