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Francisco López de Gómara's General History of the Indies

translated by Clayton Miles Lehmann and Ángela Helmer

Hardcover Price $113.00
Ebook Price $91.00
30-day ebook rental price $45.50

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“An ambitious and masterful translation of an important primary source. The extensive footnotes will delight both readers who want immediate clarification and researchers aiming to dig deeper into the various locations, characters, events, or even the challenges of the editorial process.”
—Pablo García Loaeza, West Virginia University
"A model translation and edition of a historical work. It offers much of interest for scholars already immersed in the early modern period as well as those just starting to explore it."
—Anne Good, University of Minnesota Libraries


This work is the first English translation of the entire text of part one of sixteenth-century Spanish historian Francisco López de Gómara’s General History of the Indies. Including substantial critical annotations and providing access to various readings and passages added to or removed from the successive editions of the 1550s, this translation expands the archive of texts available to English speakers reconsidering the various aspects of the European invasion of America. 

General History of the Indies was the first universal history of the recent discoveries and conquests of the New World made available to the Old World audience. At publication it consisted of two parts: the first a general history of the European discovery, conquest, and settlement of the Americas, and the second a detailed description of Cortés’s conquest of Mexico. Part one—in the multiple Spanish editions and translations into Italian and French published at the time—was the most comprehensive, popular, and accessible account of the natural history and geography of the Americas, the ethnology of the peoples of the New World, and the history of the Spanish conquest, including the most recent developments in Peru. Despite its original and continued importance, however, it had never been translated into English. 

Gómara’s history communicates Europeans’ general understanding of the New World throughout the middle and later sixteenth century. A lively, comparatively brief description of Europe’s expansion into the Americas with significant importance to today’s understanding of the early modern worldview, Francisco López de Gómara’s General History of the Indies will be of great interest to students of and specialists in Latin American history, Latin American literature, anthropology, and cultural studies, as well as specialists in Spanish American intellectual history and colonial Latin America.


Clayton Miles Lehmann was professor in the Department of History at the University of South Dakota. He authored a book and numerous articles on ancient history and epigraphy, classical reception, and the Renaissance and Reformation.

Ángela Helmer is professor in the Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics at the University of South Dakota. She is the author or editor of three books and several articles on the use of Latin in colonial Peru and the recipient of numerous teaching awards including the Belbas-Larson teaching award—the University of South Dakota’s highest honor.

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  • Hardcover Price: $113.00
  • Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-64642-470-2
  • Ebook Price: $91.00
  • 30-day ebook rental price: $45.50
  • EISBN: 978-1-64642-471-9
  • Publication Month: December
  • Publication Year: 2023
  • Pages: 428
  • Illustrations: 30
  • Discount Type: Short
  • Author: translated by Clayton Miles Lehmann and Ángela Helmer
  • ECommerce Code: 978-1-64642-470-2
  • Get Permissions: Get Permission

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