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University of Alaska Press

Publishing books on politics and history, Native languages and cultures, science and natural history, biography and memoir, poetry, fiction and anthologies, and original translations, all with an emphasis on the state of Alaska.

History of the Central Brooks Range

Gaunt Beauty, Tenuous Life

Human Being Songs

Northern Stories

Ice Floe

New and Selected Poems

Ice Floe II

International Poetry of the Far North

Ice Window

Letters from a Bering Straight Village 1898-1902

Imagining Anchorage

The Making of America's Northernmost Metropolis

Imam Cimiucia

Our Changing Sea 

In a Hungry Country

Essays by Simon Paneak

In Wild Trust

Larry Aumiller's Thirty Years Among the McNeil River Brown Bears

Innocents in the Arctic

The 1951 Spitsbergen Expedition

Innocents in the Dry Valleys

An Account of the Victoria University of Wellington Antarctic Expedition, 1958-59


Northern Koyukon, Gwich'in and Lower Tanana 1800-1901

Iñupiaq to English Dictionary

Iñupiatun Uqaluit Taniktun Sivuniŋit/ Iñupiaq to English Dictionary

Iñupiat of the Sii

Historical Ethnography and Arctic Challenges

Ivory and Paper

Adventures In and Out of Time


Behind the Willows

University Press of Colorado University of Alaska Press Utah State University Press University of Wyoming Press